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Full Width Feature

The Full Width Media block takes up the full horizontal and vertical space of the page to highlight a single post. There are no text or button elements within it. It sources the title, featured image, and reading time elements from the selected post.

This block can display the following post types:

  • Stories
  • Posts


While Hero elements typically fit near the top of a page, the Full Width Feature block generally fits near the middle or the end of the page, because it may require context to inform the reader why they may want to click the post. 

Because they take up the reader’s full screen, this block is a great way to direct readers to related content. However try to only use one or two per page, especially if it’s short. Having the reader scroll through several screens of these blocks can hinder their navigation through your site.

There are no customization options on this block, so be sure that your posts have all their metadata properly filled out with a high quality featured image. Also check that the post’s featured image contrasts enough with its title text when viewed in this block.


  • Choose Post: The post to feature within the block.
