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The Ministries block displays either all ministries or a select few in a large card format, using the preview images of those ministry posts as the background of the card. It features a background that can be white or black.

The title of the ministries are displayed within the card, as well as a Learn More link that navigates the reader to that ministries post.


This block can only be used on pages, not posts. While your ministries page can serve as a landing area for all ministries, it can also be useful to place this block in other pages only highlighted a few related ministries.

Be sure to focus on completely filling out each ministry’s information and media.


  • Background: Determines whether the block’s background will be black or white.
  • Source: Determines which ministries are highlighted as cards.

  • All Ministries: Displays

  • Choose: Select a one or more ministry to highlight within the block. All ministry post types are available to choose.


A ministries block with a black background and all ministries selected

A ministries block with a white background and only three ministries chosen